/** * ex 1 : * The signum of a number is 1 if the number is positive, –1 if it is negative, and 0 if it is zero. Write a * function that computes this value. * * @param num * @return */ privatedefgetSignum(num: Int): Int = num.signum
or using pattern match
1 2 3 4 5 6
privatedefgetSignum2(num: Int) = num match { case0 => 0 case x if x > 0 => 1 case _ => -1
ex 2
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/** * ex 2 : * What is the value of an empty block expression {}? What is its type? * * val a = {} , we got a: unit = () * when do println(a), we got : () * res2: Unit = () * * so value of empty block expression is `()` * its type is `Unit` * */ privatedefgetTypeofBlockExpr= { val a = {} println(a) }
the result is like this :
ex 3
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/** * Task 3: * * Come up with one situation where the assignment `x = y = 1` is valid in Scala. * (Hint: Pick a suitable type for `x`.) */ privatedeftask3(): Unit = { var y: Int = 0 var x: Unit = () x = y = 1// var x: Int = 2 // x = y = 1 println("ex 3") println(x) println(y) }
/** * exercise 4: * Write a Scala equivalent for the Java loop * for (int i = 10; i >= 0; i--) System.out.println(i); * */ privatedefrewriteForLoop(n: Int) = { println("ex 4") for (i <- Range(n, -1, -1)) println(i) }
privatedefrewriteForLoop_2(n: Int) = { println("ex 4") for(i <- n to 0 by -1) println(i)
privatedefrewriteForLoop2(num: Int) = { for (i <- num to(0, -1)) println(i) }
ex 6
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/** * ex 6: * Write a for loop for computing the product of the Unicode codes of all letters in a string. For example, the * product of the characters in "Hello" is 9415087488L. * * @param str * @return */ privatedefproductOfUnicode(str: String): Long = { var product = 1L for (i <- str) product *= i.toInt product }
privatedefproductOfUnicode2(str: String): Long = str.foldLeft(1L)(_ * _.toInt)
privatedefproductOfUnicode3(str: String): Long = str.map(_.toLong).product
ex 9
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/** * Ex 9 * Make the function of the preceding exercise a recursive function. * * @param str * @param idx * @return */ privatedefproductRecursive(str: String, idx: Int): Long = { if (idx == -1) 1 else str.charAt(idx).toLong * productRecursive(str, idx - 1) }
privatedefproductRecursive2(str: String): Long = { if (str.isEmpty) 1else str.head.toLong * productRecursive2(str.tail) }
/** * * Write a function that computes xn, where n is an integer. Use the following recursive definition: * • xn = y · y if n is even and positive, where y = xn / 2. * • xn = x · xn – 1 if n is odd and positive. • x0 = 1. * • xn = 1 / x–n if n is negative. * * @param x * @param n * @return */ privatedefgetPow(x: Int, n: Int): Double = { val sign = if (n >= 0) 1else-1 val m = Math.abs(n) val t = if (m == 0) 1L elseif (m % 2 == 0) { val y = getPow(x, m / 2) y * y } else x * getPow(x, m - 1) if (sign == 1) t else1L / t }
privatedefgetPow2(x: Int, n: Int): Double = { if (n == 0) 1 elseif (n < 0) 1 / getPow(x, -n) else { if (n % 2 == 0) { val y = getPow(x, n / 2) y * y } else x * getPow(x, n - 1) } }
/** * Define a string interpolator date so that you can define a java.time.LocalDate as date"$year-$month-$day". You * need to define an “implicit” class with a date method, like this: * implicit class DateInterpolator(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal { def date(args: Any*): LocalDate = . . . * } * args(i) is the value of the ith expression. Convert each to a string and then to an integer, and pass them to * the LocalDate.of method. If you already know some Scala, add error handling. Throw an exception if there aren’t * three arguments, or if they aren’t integers, or if they aren’t separated by dashes. (You get the strings in * between the expressions as sc.parts.) * * @param sc */ implicitclassDateInterpolator(val sc: StringContext) extendsAnyVal{ defdate(args: Any*): LocalDate = { if (args.length != 3) thrownewIllegalArgumentException( "argument number is wrong, have to be 3") val paras = newArray[Integer](3) try { var i = 0 for (arg <- args) { paras(i) = arg.toString.toInt } } catch { case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace() }